Tuesday, February 24, 2009

IIM Bangalore GD/PI experience on 24th February 2009

Had my IIM Bangalore interview and GD today, 24th Feb 09 at Kolkata. The venue was the same - Kelinworth Hotel. My slot was the morning 9:00 am slot.

There were two panels. Each panel was supposed to have 8 candidates, but two were absent? :eek: ... and two were absent even from the other panel! So in all, we were 6 of us. One girl, rest boys. The interview panel had a lady prof and a male prof. Dress sense of profs was formal, unlike for the IIM Kozhikode interview! My panel had one guy from Shillong, one guy from Sikkim and me from Guwahati! :D I was 3rd in my panel.

The GD experience:

Started off with a GD. Called the names and we were made to sit in order, just like for IIM Kozhikode interview. They told us we would be given a topic, given 5 minutes to think, 15 minutes to discuss and 5-10 minutes to write a summary. They weren't strict at all with the timings, and when some people didn't finish their summary writing in time, they announced that those who had finished may leave, rest may take more time! Anyway, I did finish it in time :)

We were strangely allowed to keep the GD sheet with ourselves. This was not the case with the other panel, where the sheets were taken away. This is the exact topic of the GD:

In recent times, the government has imposed restrictions on nightlife. All pubs and nightclubs have to be shut by 11:30 and discotheques are not allowed. The government and the police contend that imposing early closing hours has helped reduce crime rates and drunken driving. The people visiting pubs and nightclubs say that they are not criminals and drunk driving is unlikely to stop unless sliquor shops are closed down. They further point out that by putting curbs on nightlife, the government risks criminalizing fairly harmless activity. Anyway if this argument is carried to its logical conclusion then it would be like arguing that all travel should be stopped because any travel raises the risk of accident. They also argue that drinking and dancing is not illegal and the government is imposing unncessary restrictions. In reply some people argue that it is immoral to drink and dance and 11:30 at night is late enough. The supporters contend that they work long hours often past 11 p.m. and if they feel the urge to go for a drink they should be allowed to. The arguments rage on.

Where do you stand in this debate?

The GD had absolutely no high noise levels and was very civil. My performance wasn't as good as it could/should have been, but wasn't bad either. Did come up with a couple of good points but overall speaking time was quite less, and should have been much more. Later the first question in my interview was my opinion on the topic of the GD!

Anyway, IIM Bangalore claims that it gives only 5% weightage to the GD, 5% to the summary and another 5% to the summary style! The only problem is there are very less freshers called for the GD/PI process, and so might be slightly difficult to make it finally. However, overall the GD was satisfactory though could have been better.

The interview experience:

The interview lasted for about 12-15 minutes. People coming out were quite happy with their performance. There was no stress at all. The interview was very casual in nature, absolutely no technical questions and no questions on general knowledge/economics etc too! Was just like a conversation across the table.

The lady prof was asking all the questions and the other prof was going through the certificates. Since it was more like a conversation and questions raised from where I led the discussion to, I don't think the experience might help people much! But anyway, here it is - the questions may not be in order
(LP = lady prof, MP = male prof, SK = me)

LP: So what do you think about the GD
SK: (starts off with a summary type, where I say 'the group felt that...')
LP: No, tell me your views on the topic
SK: blah blah in partial support of nightlife and clubs with sensible restrictions etc. Mention somewhere that crime isn't exactly proportional to nightlife, as can be seen in foreign countries. Also say that there should be regular alcohol checks, as in foreign countries perhaps.
LP: So can you tell me one country where such checks are done?
SK: When I went to Finland (:D :P) I did see an active nightlife and also the crime rate is one of the least in the world
LP: So why do you think crime rate is less there? Are Indians more unruly?
SK: blah blah about they being rich
LP: Ok.

LP: So you are in your final year
SK: Yes ma'am
LP: So are you placed?
SK: Yes ma'am,.
LP: So where will you be placed?
SK: Didn't get the final offer letter, no idea!
LP: So what will you be joining as? What will be your role?
LP, SK: (blah blah about it, some desultory chit chat ! )

MP: So I will ask you a standard question, you may give me a standard answer!
SK: :O :O :O
MP: So why do you want to do an MBA?
SK: blah blah about how it would make me more useful and complement my technical background.
MP: (not convinced, some other questions)
SK: Sir I was actively involved with organizing my technical festival ....
MP: OK OK now THAT is a standard answer. No need to elaborate :D I'll cancel this question!
SK: (smiles!)
MP: So you have been to Finland right?
SK: Yes sir
MP: What is the most common drink there?
SK: (:O) I am not very sure, but Finlandia vodka is very famous! :D
MP, SK: (some chit chat about it)
MP,SK: (chit chat about drinking at IITs, drugs(!), ragging, smoking, why I don't drink, peer groups, how IITs much have changed(!) etc. etc. )

LP: So what are your hobbies?
SK: Playing chess, writing poems and short essays
LP: What do you write on?
SK: Contemporary topics, philosophy and religion
LP: What was the last thing you wrote about?
SK, LP, MP: (a whole lot of chit chat about religion, Hinduism, western influence, writing at IIT, and blah blah blah!!)
LP: Have you gotten your work published in say newspapers or magazines?
SK: No ma'am, just the college maganizes and newsletters.

LP: So you mentioned in your SOP about your internship at IISc. Did you visit IIM Bangalore then?
SK: (:D :O :P) No ma'am!
LP: So you didn't have MBA on your mind then?
SK: Not exactly ma'am.
LP: So when did you have those plans?
SK: After coming back!! ( :D) I was involved with my technical festival, gotten a first hand feel of management blah blah
LP: So do you think organizing a fest is equivalent to a career in management?
SK: Not really ma'am, but blah blah about how MBA would help me a lot to apply my technical 'expertise' and make informed decisions and blah blah
LP: Ok, thank you for your time
SK: Thank you ma'am, thank you sir. (leaves)


doc_pri said...


best luck neways

Siddharth said...

Well, I have no idea what exactly they look for during an interview. I guess I'll be in a better position to answer it after the results are out :)